Clean Your Pinto Beans:Dried pinto beans need to be sorted cooking to remove any little rocks or bad beans not found with the factory cleaning equipment. They also need to be washed. I usually sort mine into a bowl, add some cold water and stir them around good. Then I pour that into a colander and rinse well again with my sink sprayer.
Overnight Soak:Rinse and sort 1 pound ( 2 cups) of pinto beans. Place in large pot. Add enough COLD water to cover beans by 2 inches. (About 8 cups) Let stand overnight or at least 6 to 8 hours. Drain soak water and rinse beans.
Quick Soak: Rinse and sort 1 pound (2 cups) of pinto beans. Place in large pot. Add about 8 cups of HOT water. Bring to a rapid boil and boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand for 1 hour. Drain soak water and rinse.
Cooking Directions for Crock Pot: Place drained and rinsed pinto beans into a crock pot. Add about 6 - 8 cups of hot water to cover beans. Add seasonings (except salt) and add smoke turkey tails. If you don't have any smoke turkey tails, just use 2 - 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine. Set on High temperature and let cook 6 to 8 hours, or all day. Add about 1 teaspoon of salt (or to taste) about 1 hour before finished cooking.
Cooking Directions for Top of Stove:Place drained and rinsed pinto beans into a large pot. Add about 6 cups of hot water to cover beans. Add any seasonings desired (except salt), add turkey tails, butter, or margarine. Bring to a boil. Lower temperature, cover pot, and simmer for at least 2 hours or until done. Best if simmered 4 hours or more! Add about 1 teaspoon of salt (or to taste) about 1 hour before finished cooking.
Cooking Direction for Vegetarian Pinto Beans: Follow the directionabove, just add 4 cups of Vegetable Broth and 2-4 cups of water. ELIMINATING THE MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCTS.